Enables RWC's to send messages containing summaries of daily indices. UGEOI is issued at 0330 UT from RWC BOU.


Definition of symbols:

First Line-

  • UGEOI comes from GEOAlert Daily Indices

  • I I I I I = station indicator

  • Y = last digit of year
  • MM = month of year, 01 = January, 02 = February, etc
  • . DD = UT day of month

  • HHmm = UT hour and minute of issue
  • / = filler

  • dd = UT day of month of data
  • /// = filler

Data Lines-

  • 1 = indicates that relative sunspot number for day dd follows
  • nnnn = sunspot number

  • 2 = indicates that 10.7 cm radio flux for day ddfollows
  • CCC = 10.7 cm radio flux
  • D = number of TENFLARES (solar radio-emission outbursts at 10 cm that are greater than 100% over background)

  • 3 = indicates that Geomagnetic A-index and events observed locally for day dd follows
  • EEE = Geomagnetic A-index observed
  • F = important geomagnetic event observed and described as follows:
    • 0 = no event
    • 1 = end of geomagnetic storm
    • 2 = storm in progress
    • 6 = gradual storm commencement
    • 7 = sudden storm commencement

Note: Geomagnetic events and indices are based on local not planetary conditions.

  • 4 = indicates that cosmic ray intensity and events observed for day dd by Neutron Monitors follows
  • GGG = median level of cosmic ray intensity (where 1000 is the normal level)
    • if GGG > 500, then the median level = GGG
    • if GGG < 500, then the median level = GGG + 1000
    • GGG reported as 024 would equal 1024
    • GGG reported as 892 would equal 892
  • H = important cosmic-ray event observed and described as follows:
  • e = optical flare importance based upon corrected area in square degrees
    • 0 = no event
    • 1 = pre-decrease
    • 2 = beginning of a Forbush decrease
    • 3 = Forbush decrease in progress
    • 4 = end of Forbush decrease
    • 5 = arrival of energetic solar particles (GLE)
    • 6 = arrival of energetic solar particles (GLE) followed by Forbush decrease

  • 5 = indicates that number of M and X flares for day dd follows
  • MM = number of M flares
  • XX = number of X flares

  • 6 = indicates that x-ray background (.1-.8 nm) for day dd follows
    • 0 = no Type IV sweep observed
    • 1 = importance 1
    • 2 = importance 2
    • 3 = importance 3
    • 9 = unknown
  • ab = x-ray background (.1-.8 nm) in units of Wm-2 where ab a.b
  • pp = Power of ten to apply to "a.b"

Note: "abpp" reported as "4607" would equal 4.6 x 10& particles/cm

  • 7 = indicates that particle fluence (>10MeV) for day dd follows
  • ab = particle fluence (>10MeV) in units of particles/cm2 -sr-day where ab = a.b
  • pp = Power of ten to apply to "a.b"

Note: "abpp" reported as "4607" would equal 4.6 x 10& particles/cm2-sr-day

  • 8 = indicates that number of spotted regions and new spot groups for day dd follows
  • SS = number of new spot groups
  • NN = number of spotted regions

  • 9 = indicates that total sunspot area for day dd follows
  • AAAA = total sunspot area in millionths of the solar hemisphere

Last Data Lines-

  • 99999= end of data terminator; indicates that all data has been received

Text Lines-

  • PLAIN = Plain-language text information

  • BT = Break in transmission (end of message terminator)

Note: / is to be used for data not available.