Enables RWC's to send messages containing flare, magnetic, and proton event Advices (forecasts) to other RWC's and to general data users on an established schedule. The UGEOA code has a header containing the word GEOALERT. The PLAIN section is used for text information, for example, the WWA UGEOA may include special messages in the PLAIN section such as SIDC monthly sunspot values, SMM observing schedule, STRATWARM, etc.
The WWA UGEOA forecasts are based on RWC inputs (Advices). The WWA UGEOA message will also include the UGEOE, UGEOI, and UGEOR messages for the day. The UGEOA message schedule is:
- SYD = 0000 UT
- TOK = 0600 UT
- WWA = 0330 UT
- BEI = 0730 UT
- MEU = 1230 UT
- MOS = 1400 UT
- BOU = 2200 UT
Definition of symbols:
First Line-
- GEOALERT key word comes from GEOAlert Advices (forecasts)
- RWC = Three-letter RWC code
- DOY = Julian day of year
Second Line-
- UGEOA comes from GEOAlert Advices (forecasts)
- I I I I I = station indicator
- Y = last digit of year
- MM = month of year, 01 = January, 02 = February, etc
- . DD = UT day of month of issue
- HHmm = UT hour and minute of issue
- / = filler
- G = Ground-based solar data used in forecast
- 0 = none
- 1 = radio
- 2 = solar optical
- 3 = solar magnetic
- 4 = radio and solar opitcal (no solar magnetic)
- 5 = solar optical and solar magnetic (no radio)
- 6 = radio and solar magnetic (no solar optical)
- 9 = all
- S = Space-based solar data used in forecast
- 0 = none
- 1 = solar x-rays
- 2 = energetic particles
- 3 = solar x-ray images
- 4 = solar x-rays and energetic particles (no solar x-ray images)
- 5 = energetic particles and solar x-ray images (no solar x-rays)
- 6 = solar x-rays and solar x-ray images (no energetic particles)
- 9 = all
- M = Magnetic data used in forecast
- 0 = none
- 1 = spaced-based magnetometers
- 2 = ground-based magnetometers
- 3 = spaced-based and ground-based magnetometers
- I = Ionospheric data used in forecas
- 0 = none
- 1 = ionosondes
- 2 = neutron monitors
- 3 = riometers
- 4 = ionosondes and neutron monitors (no riometers)
- 5 = neutron monitors and riometers (no ionosondes)
- 6 = ionosondes and riometers (no neutron monitors)
- 9 = all
- / = filler
Data Lines-
- 1 = flare forecast (whole sun) for day II
- 0 = Quiet (<50% probability of C-class flares)
- 1 = Eruptive (C-class flares expected, probability >=50%)
- 2 = Active (M-class flares expected, probability >=50%)
- 3 = Major flares expected (X-class flares expected, probability >=50%)
- 4 = Proton flares expected (proton flares expected, probability >=50%)
- 8 = Warning condition (activity levels expected to increase, but no numeric forecast given)
- / = No forecast
- II = day of start of forecast period
- D = duration (days)
- / = indefinite duration
- 2 = magnetic forecast (local conditions) for day II
- 0 = Quiet
- 1 = Active conditions expected (A>=20 or K=4)
- 2 = Minor storm expected (A>=30 or K=5)
- 3 = Major magstorm expected (A>=50 or K>=6)
- 4 = Severe magstorm expected (A>=100 or K>=7)
- 8 = Warning condition (activity levels expected to increase, but no numeric forecast given)
- / = No forecast
- II = day of start of forecast period
- D = duration (days)
- / = indefinite duration
Note: Geomagnetic events and indices (observed and predicted), are based on local not
planetary conditions.
- 3 = proton forecast for day II
- F = forecast
- 0 = Quiet
- 1 = Proton event expected (10 pfu at >10 MeV)
- 2 = Major proton event expected (100 pfu at >100 MeV)
- 7 = Proton event in progress (>10 MeV)
- 8 = Warning condition (activity levels expected to increase, but no numeric forecast given)
- / = No forecast
- II = day of start of forecast period
- D = duration (days)
- / = indefinite duration
Last Data Line-
- 99999 = end of data terminator; indicates that all coded data has been received
Text Lines-
- PLAIN = Plain-language text information (rationale for forecasts; for example, Mag based on recurrence). Continue to include key words; for example, MAGALERT. . . followed by rationale.
- BT = Break in transmission (end of message terminator)
Note: / is to be used for data not available.