Enables RWC's to send messages containing summaries of significant solar events to other RWC's and to general data users. UGEOE is issued at 0330 UT from RWC BOU. RWC BOU criteria for significant solar events are:
(a) Class M or greater x-ray burst
(b) Optical flare of importance 2B or greater
(c) Radio burst at 245 MHz (>=100 solar flux units above background)
(d) 10-cm Radio burst (100% above background)
(e) Type II or Type IV sweep-frequency burst
Definition of symbols:
First Line-
- UGEOE comes from GEOAlert Event summary
- I I I I I = station indicator
- Y = last digit of year
- MM = month of year, 01 = January, 02 = February, etc
- . DD = UT day of month of issue
- HHmm = UT hour and minute of issue
- / = filler
- dd = UT day of month of beginning of event
- / = filler
- nn = number of significant solar events (lines) that follow
Data Lines-
- HHmm = UT hour and minute of beginning of event for day dd
- t = begin time qualifier
- 1 = exact start time of event
- 2 = first observation of event in progress at this time
Note: The times are associated with the highest priority event in the following order: x-ray burst, optical flare, 245 MHz radio burst, 10-cm radio burst, Type II or Type IV sweep-frequency burst.
- HHmm = UT hour and minute of maximum of event
- / = filler
- HHmm = UT hour and minute of end of event
- t = end time qualifier
- 1 = exact end time of event
- 2 = last observation of event in progress at this time
- c = indicates x-ray event class
- 0 = less than Class C solar event (flux < 10-3 Wm-2)
- 1 = Class C solar event (10-3 Wm-2 ≥ flux < 10-3 Wm-2)
- 2 = Class M solar event (10-3 Wm-2 ≥ flux < 10-3 Wm-2)
- 3 = Class X solar event (10-3 Wm-2 ≥ flux)
- 4 = Class X solar event (10-3 Wm-2 ≥ flux)
- 9 = no x-ray event observed
- dd = x-ray intensity from 1.0 to 9.9 (report x-ray intensity ≥ 9.9 as 9.9)
- // = no x-ray event observed
- e = optical flare importance based upon corrected area in square degrees
- 0 = subflare (s); area < 2.0 square degrees
- 1 = importance 1; 2.1 square degrees < area < 5.1 square degrees
- 2 = importance 2; 5.2 square degrees < area < 12.4 square degrees
- 3 = importance 3; 12.5 square degrees < area < 24.7 square degrees
- 4 = importance 4; area > 24.8 square degrees
- 9 = no optical flare observed
- f = optical flare intensity
- 0 = faint
- 1 = normal
- 2 = bright
- 9 = unknow
- T = Indicates if a Type II sweep was observed and the importance of the Type II sweep
- 0 = no Type II sweep observed
- 1 = importance 1
- 2 = importance 2
- 3 = importance 3
- 9 = unknown
- ab = Peak flux (10-22WM-2Hz-1) of radio burst at approximately 245MHz, where ab a.b
- pp = Power of then to apply to "a.b"
Note: "abpp" reported as "2403" would equal 2.4 x 103 x 10-22Wm-2Hz-1
- F = Indicates if a Type IV sweep was observed and the importance of the Type IV sweep
- 0 = no Type IV sweep observed
- 1 = importance 1
- 2 = importance 2
- 3 = importance 3
- 9 = unknown
- ab = Peak flux (10-22WM-2Hz-1) of radio burst at approximately 245MHz, where ab a.b
- pp = Power of then to apply to "a.b"
Note: "abpp" reported as "1704" would equal 2.4 x 103 x 10-22Wm-2Hz-1
- Q = quadrant (heliographic coordinates) in which the event is observed
- 1 = NE (northeast)
- 2 = SE (southeast)
- 3 = SW (southwest)
- 4 = NW (northwest)
- XX = distance to central meridian in degrees
- YY = heliographic latitude in degrees
Note: "abpp" reported as "1704" would equal 2.4 x 103 x 10-22Wm-2Hz-1
- 9 = indicates that region number follows
- RRRR = RWC region number
Note: / / / / indicates no data available.
Last Data Lines-
- 99999= end of data terminator; indicates that all data has been received
Text Lines-
- PLAIN = Plain-language text information
- BT = Break in transmission (end of message terminator)
Note: / is to be used for data not available.