Organizational Structure

ISES is managed by a Directing Board composed of the ISES Officers and a delegate from each ISES Center. The Directing Board is led by the elected Director and meets annually.

ISES Officers:

Title Location Delegate
Director RWC Japan Mamoru Ishii
Deputy Director RWC Argentine Sergio Dasso
Secretary for Space Weather RWC South Africa Mpho Tshisaphungo
Secretary of Web presence RWC korea Kichang Yoon
Secretary for World Days RWC Canada Nikolic Ljubomir on behalf of Robyn Fiori temporarily

ISES Regional Warning Centers:

Title Host Institution Location Delegate
RWC Australia Bureau of Meteorology Adelaide Kate Brand
RWC Austria National Institute of Information
and Communications Technology
Treffen Prof. Dr. Astrid Veronig
RWC Belgium Royal Observatory of Belgium Brussels Judith de Patoul
RWC Brazil National Institute for Space Research São José
dos Campos
Joaquim Eduardo Rezende
RWC Canada Natural Resources Canada Ottawa David Boteler
RWC China National Space Science Center Beijing Bingxian Luo
RWC Czech Republic Institute of Atmospheric Physics Prague Dalia Buresova
RWC Germany Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Neustrelitz Jens Berdermann
RWC India National Physical Laboratory New Delhi MVSN Prasad
RWC Indonesia Space Weather Information and Forecast Services Bandung Emanuel Sungging Mumpuni
RWC Japan National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Koganei, Tokyo, Japan Mamoru Ishii
RWC Korea Korean Space Weather Center Jeju Kichang Yoon
RWC Mexico Space Weather Service Mexico Morelia, Mich. J. Americo
RWC Poland Space Research Centre Warsaw, Poland Iwona Stanislawska
RWC Russia Hydrometeorological Service,
Institute of Applied Geophysics
Moscow Alexey Vasilyev
RWC South Africa Space Weather Prediction Center Hermanus Lee-Anne McKinnell
RWC Sweden Lund Space Weather Center Lund, Sweden Peter Wintoft
RWC UK Met Office Space Weather Operations Centre Exeter, United Kingdom Mark Gibbs
RWC USA Space Weather Prediction Center Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A. Robert Steenburgh
RWC Norway Norwegian Centre for Space Weather Tromso Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
RWC Finland Ilmatieteen laitos Helsinki, Finland Ari-Matti Harri
RWC Argentina Laboratorio Argentino de Meteorologia del esPacio LAMP Sergio Dasso

ISES Associate Warning Centers:

Title Host Institution Location Delegate
AWC France Collecte Localisation Satellites Toulouse Vacant

ISES Collaborative Expert Centers:

Title Host Institution Location Delegate
CEC ESA European Space Agency Darmstadt Alexi Glover

For more information about ISES, please contact ISES Director Jesse Andries.