Organizational Structure
ISES is managed by a Directing Board composed of the ISES Officers and a delegate from each ISES Center. The Directing Board is led by the elected Director and meets annually.
ISES Officers:
Title |
Location |
Delegate |
Director |
RWC Japan |
Mamoru Ishii |
Deputy Director |
RWC Argentine |
Sergio Dasso |
Secretary for Space Weather
RWC South Africa |
Mpho Tshisaphungo
Secretary of Web presence
RWC korea |
Kichang Yoon
Secretary for World Days
RWC Canada |
Nikolic Ljubomir on behalf of Robyn Fiori temporarily
ISES Regional Warning Centers:
Title |
Host Institution |
Location |
Delegate |
RWC Australia
Bureau of Meteorology
Adelaide |
Kate Brand
RWC Austria
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Treffen |
Prof. Dr. Astrid Veronig
RWC Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium
Brussels |
Judith de Patoul
RWC Brazil
National Institute for Space Research
São José dos Campos |
Joaquim Eduardo Rezende
RWC Canada
Natural Resources Canada
Ottawa |
David Boteler
RWC China
National Space Science Center
Beijing |
Bingxian Luo
RWC Czech Republic
Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Prague |
Dalia Buresova
RWC Germany
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
Neustrelitz |
Jens Berdermann
RWC India
National Physical Laboratory
New Delhi |
MVSN Prasad
RWC Indonesia
Space Weather Information and Forecast Services
Bandung |
Emanuel Sungging Mumpuni
RWC Japan
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Koganei, Tokyo, Japan |
Mamoru Ishii
RWC Korea
Korean Space Weather Center
Jeju |
Kichang Yoon
RWC Mexico
Space Weather Service Mexico
Morelia, Mich. |
J. Americo Gonzalez-Esparza
RWC Poland
Space Research Centre
Warsaw, Poland |
Iwona Stanislawska
RWC Russia
Hydrometeorological Service, Institute of Applied Geophysics
Moscow |
Alexey Vasilyev
RWC South Africa
Space Weather Prediction Center
Hermanus |
Lee-Anne McKinnell
RWC Sweden
Lund Space Weather Center
Lund, Sweden |
Peter Wintoft
Met Office Space Weather Operations Centre
Exeter, United Kingdom |
Mark Gibbs
Space Weather Prediction Center
Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Robert Steenburgh
RWC Norway
Norwegian Centre for Space Weather
Tromso |
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
RWC Finland
Ilmatieteen laitos
Helsinki, Finland |
Ari-Matti Harri
RWC Argentina
Laboratorio Argentino de Meteorologia del esPacio
Sergio Dasso
ISES Associate Warning Centers:
ISES Collaborative Expert Centers:
For more information about ISES, please contact ISES Director
Jesse Andries.