Solar x-ray events..
Definition of symbols:
- USXRA comes from Solar X-RAy events
- I I I I I = station indicator
- Y = last digit of year
- MM = month of year, 01 = January, 02 = February, etc
- . DD = UT day of month
- SS = satellite
- 06 = GOES-6
- 07 = GOES-7
- 08 = GOES-8
- 09 = GOES-9
- E = energy range
- 1 = .1-.8 nm
- NN = number of events
- 0 = indicates that the begin time of the event follows
- HHmm = UT hour and minute of beginning of event
- 0 = indicates that the maximum time of the event follows
- HHmm = UT hour and minute of maximum for event
- 0 = indicates that the the end time of the event follows
- HHmm = UT hour and minute of end time of event
- Maximum Flux:
- Q = qualifier
- 0 = uncertain data
- 1 = certain data
- ab = x-ray flux in Wm-1 where ab = a.b
- S = sign of the exponent to apply to a.b
- 0 = positive
- 1 = negative
- p = power of ten to apply to a.b
Note: abSp reported as 4192 would equal 4.1 x 10-1Wm-1
Note: / is to be used for data not available.
- Integrated flux (start thru end):
- 9 = qualifier
- ab x-ray integrated flux in Jm-1 where ab = a.b
- S = sign of the exponent to apply to a.b
- 0 = positive
- 1 = negative
- p = power of ten to apply to a.b
Note: abSp reported as 5692 would equal 5.6 x 10-1Wm-1
Note: / is to be used for data not available.